Capital Campaigns

Capital CampaignsA capital campaign is a complex fund-raising program involving large amounts of money and a lengthy timespan. The financial future of the client organization is typically at stake when a capital campaign is launched, which often results in increased pressure to raise funds from the private sector to secure the achievement of its target goals. At present, the necessity for capital campaigns brought on by the financial stresses of organizations is at an all time high – and perhaps greater now than it has ever been. It is also highly likely to intensify in the future amidst current conditions the the ecumenic climate.

Iris Britt Consulting, LLC brings the industry expertise and capabilities that focus on five principles to effectively prepare and guide an organization to results-driven successful capital campaigns, critical often to the future of their work and goals, including:

  • Create an understanding of the organization’s mission, values, and accomplishments to raise awareness for it in target groups, drive maximum credibility, and secure the necessary support in goodwill and dollars to sustain and advance the organization;
  • Identify pre- campaign readiness, as well as target groups, contacts, and stakeholders for outreach;
  • Identify powerful campaign leadership and assist the organization in the development and implementation of a strong, results-driven marketing and communications strategy to complement the campaign goals and activities;
  • Cultivate an environment that focuses on relationship-building and solicitation strategies that will make the critical difference in a successful campaign; and
  • Implement a system of measurable, comprehensive fundraising technology to track incremental progress, activity, and gauge large-scale results and success.

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and we serve clients throughout
the United States.